
viernes, 29 de julio de 2011

CoMMonly confused words (II)

Queridos amigos, os dejo uno facilito para el viernes, que la mayoría tenemos ya las neuronas preparándose para el finde, ya sea para refrescarlas a base de bien o para derretirlas en la playa.
CoMMonly confused words volumen II.  Que paséis un buen finde!


Advice (noun.)

Advise (verb.)

The same happens with (noun)  /  (verb)



Forth (adverb): hacia delante.

i.e: She was moving back and forth. (se movía de atrás a delante)

Fourth (adverb): cuarto.

i.e: Mary finished the fourth in the race.


Complement: complemento (noun)/ complementar (verb).

Compliment: cumplido.


Stationary (adjective) : parado, inmóvil.

Stationery (noun): papalería.

i.e: We bought all the pencils and notebooks for school in the stationery this morning.


Wonder (verb): preguntarse.

i.e: I wonder why she is doing that.

Wander (verb): vagar, deambular.

i.e: They wandered around the fair for two hours.


Borrow (verb):  to take or accept something for a short time with the intention of returning it to its rightful owner

i.e: May I borrow a pencil, please?

Lend (verb): to give something for a short time with the intention of getting it back

Would you please lend me a pencil?


Bored (adjective):  when someone feels tired and unhappy because something is not interesting or because they have nothing to do.

i.e: She was so bored that she fell asleep.

Boring (adjective): describe something that is not interesting or exciting.

i.e: The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep. 

The same happen with excited and exciting,
                                   interested and interesting,...

Un poco de música para despedirnos! 

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011

Have you met Mr Duncan?

Mr Duncan is an English teacher. He was born in Stafford (U.K) and after working for 4 years in China as a conversation teacher, he came back to U.K and started making free English Lessons videos to teach English.

The videos:
-Are available in Youtube.
-They last 4 to 10 minutes and they have subtitles.
-He talks about different subjects: Office words, grammar, slangs,...

The guy is a little creepy (espeluznante) and I don´t find his videos very formative but some of the are ok and at least you´ll be listening good pronunciation, so...enjoy!

Lesson one: he gives some good pieces of advice.

Lesson 9: Fame.

Lesson 8: Friends. I´m speechless with his Spanish...

martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Similar but not the same: Make y Do

Those two verbs are very similar and sometimes it´s diFFicult to know wich is the correct one in a sentence. The best thing to do with this two is to learn the whole expreSSion as they usually go always together. That phenomena is called collocation.

Collocation: Some words in English need each other like best friends.
For example: I made a cup of tea. The verb 'make' and 'cup of tea' need each other to be correct. Using another verb such as 'do' would be incorrect. These words that go together are called collocations. There are strong collocations and weaker collocations, but it's a good idea to learn these words together as you´ll never find it separated and if you use another verb or preposition in that expreSSion, that will be incorrect.


-We use the verb 'do' when someone performs an action, activity or task.

do the ironing/ the laundry/ the washing up/ do the dishes/...

-'Do' is often used when referring to work of any kind.

do your work/ your job
do homework/ housework
do business

(Always activities that do not produce a physical object!).

-For general ideas: when speaking about things in general. To describe an action without saying exactly what the action is. That´s why is often used with the words 'something, nothing, anything, everything,…

I'm not doing anything today.
He does everything for his mother.
She's doing nothing.

-Expressions with 'Do': standard expressions that goes always with 'do'. 

do a favour
do good/ do something badly/ do well/ do your best!
do harm (hacer daño)
do time (to go to prison)
do your hair/ nails


You use make for activities that create something physical, that you can touch!

-For constructing, building or creating.

make a dress
make food
make a cup of tea / coffee

-'Make' is often used when referring to preparing food of any kind.

make a meal/ breakfast / lunch / dinner

-Expressions with 'Make'.

make amends (enmendar).
make arrangements (planes, acuerdos)/ an agreement (acuerdo)
make a plan
make believe (to pretend)
make a choice/ a deciSion/ a promise/ a comment/ a remark (comentario, observación)/ a suGGestion/ a speech

make a difference
make an effort/ a progreSS
make an enquiry

make an excuse/ an exception
make friends/contacts
make a fuss (make a mess: montar un lío)
make a journey/ a trip
make love

make a mistake
make an oFFer/ money/ a fortune/ a profit
make a move / a noise/ a sound
make a phone call/ a visit
make an attempt (intento)/ a complaint (queja)
make use of something
make sure (asegurarse)
make a living of something (ganarse la vida)

i.e: Remember Jack? He used to make all sort of paints. Well, it happens that (resulta que) he has make a living of that. He lives in Paris now, he´s made a fortune.

make it (hacer algo, conseguir algo)

i.e: He thought he wouldn´t be able to pass that exam but he made it!

viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

Steve Jobs speech. Speechless.

"If you live each day as if it was your last, some day you´ll most certainly be right."

Amigos, os dejo el discurso que dió Steve Jobs en la ceremonia de graduación de la Universidad de Stanford en 2005. Os lo dejo porque tiene muchas expresiones que os pueden servir, pero también por el discurso en sí. Escuchadlo entero porque merece la pena.
Como sabéis, mucho ha llovido para Steve Jobs desde este discurso en 2005, pero por eso mismo es importante recordar sus palabras.
Un saludo a todos y qué paséis un fin de semana genial.

-To be left speechleSS: quedarse sin palabras, boquiabierto.

-Truth be told...: la verdad sea dicha.

-No big deal: (idiom). Seguro que lo habéis escuchado muchas veces, pero siempre está bien comprobar su significado. Os dejo la definición del Urbandictionary que son siempre acertadas y puyísticas:  
"Something said after something amazing has been said or aCComplished (conseguido). Usually said in a sarcastic way to make ones self seem modest when in reality one is bragging (chuleando).

-To connect the dots: unir los puntos.
Es un expresion muy descriptiva. Se refiere a esos dibujos en los que una vez unes los puntos ves the whole picture.

- Drop (out) college: dejar la universidad.

-College tuition: gastos de matrícula,...de la universidad.

-To figure something out: arreglárselas.

i.e: I´ll figure it out! (algo se me ocurrirá).

-...and trust that all will work out ok: y confiar en que todo saldrá bien.

- Priceless: (adjective) no tiene precio.

i.e: Experience is priceless.

-To look foward/ look backwards: mirar hacia delante/ hacia atrás.

- To run a company/ a busineSS : dirigir una empresa/ negocio.

-To let somebody down: decepcionarle.

-To screw something up: cagarla.

i.e: Sorry! I screwed the surprise party up!

-To be rejected: ser rechazado.

-To be/get fired: ser despedido.

...it made an impreSSion on me: me dejó huella, me impresionó.

- To button up/ down: abrochar/ desabrochar.

(en este caso es en sentido figurado, meaning "atar cabos").

Thankfully: gracias a dios.

Me quedo con esta frase:
"Follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become."

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

CoMMonly confused words (I)

As you all know the spelling is a tricky matter in English. Also happens that some words are very similar in spelling and meaning but not exactly the same. 
Here it´s a list of some of those words, so next time you bump into them, you don´t get in trouble! 
Have a good day!


Beside (preposition): next to, at the side of.

i.e: Can you hand me that book? It´s beside the lamp.

Besides (adverb) also, as well.
      (preposition) 'in addition to',

(adverb) He's responsible for sales, and a lot more besides.
(preposition) Besides tennis, I play soccer and basketball.


Clothes: something you wear (ropa)

i.e:Just a moment! Let me change my clothes.

Cloths: pieces of material used for cleaning or other purposes (trapo)

i.e: There are some cloths in the closet. Use those to clean the kitchen.


Last: (adjective) final, there is no more after this (último).

i.e: I took the last train home.

Latest: (adjective) most recent, new.

i.e: His latest book is excellent.
Have you seen his latest painting?


Lay/laid/laid: (verb) to put down flat something (tumbar algo).

i.e: He laid his pencil down and listened to the teacher.

Lie/lay/lain: (verb) to be lie down, in a lying position (tumbarse uno mismo, tenderse, acostarse).

i.e: The girl lay on the bed asleep.
At the moment, he's lying on the bed.


Lose (verb) to misplace, not win. (perder algo).

i.e: I lost my watch!

Loose (adjective) not tight (suelto, desatado, holgado).
           (verb) to release (soltar, desatar).
i.e: Your trousers are very loose!

If I lose any more weight, my clothes will be too loose.


Price (noun) what you pay for something (precio).

i.e: What's the price of this book?

Prize (noun) award (premio).

i.e: Tom hooper won the Academy prize as best director this year.


Award: (noun) premio.

i.e: He´s just received another award for his work.

Reward: (noun) compensación, recompensa.

i.e: A reward has been offered for anyone that can provide authorities with information about the suspect.


Quite (adverb): bastante.

i.e: This test is quite difficult.

Quiet: (adjective) the opposite of loud or noisy (tranquilo, silencioso)

i.e: Could you please be quiet?!


Some time: refers to an indefinite time in the future.

i.e: We should definetly meet for coffee some time.

Sometimes: (adverb) oCCasionally.

i.e: He sometimes works late.

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Similar but not the same: Sick/ill. Ache/Pain.


Ambos son adjetivos y significan enfermo, pero tienen usos y connotaciones diferentes.

-Sick es más informal, más indefinido. Se refiere a un conjunto de síntomas sin tener necesariamente una enfermedad diagnosticada. Por lo general, suele estar relacionado con mareos, nauseas,...

i.e: I feel sick.

-Ill se refiere a tener una enfermedad en particular. Suele usarse para cosas más serias, graves o de mayor duración, siempre de tipo físico.

i.e: He´s in the hospital now, he is seriOUsly ill


-I feel sick (or I feel unwell): estoy indispuesto, tengo ganas de vomitar, me duele la barriga, estoy mareado,…

-I´m sick: estoy mal (se refiere a enfermedades mentales)

-He is sick: está enfermo/indispuesto. También puede significar "es un pervertido, solo piensa en lo mismo,...". Así que cuidado con esta expresión, asegurate de definir bien el contexto.

-To call sick: llamar al trabajo para avisar de que no puedes ir porque estás enfermo.

-Where is Paul? I haven´t seen him this morning.
- He is not coming today, he called sick this morning.

 -That (something) makes me sick: eso me da asco, me da ganas de vomitar.

i.e: Tuna makes me sick.

-You make me sick: No te soporto, me das asco, me pones enfermo.

Diferencias por zonas:

En el inglés de Estados Unidos:
- se utiliza casi exclusivamente sick.
- sick e ill tienen el mismo sigfnificado: to feel or be unwell, whathever the problema might be.

i.e: They didn´t get to the movies after all; their kid was sick.
(Al final no fueron al cine, su hijo estaba enfermo).


Ambos son nombres y significan dolor (unpleasant sensations that you feel in your body).


-Pain is usually used to refer to a kind of sharp discomfort that is difficult to ignore.

i.e: Yesterday I suddenly felt a lot of pain in my stomach. I was taken to hospital where they discovered I had appendicitis.

-Ache is similar to pain, but it usually is used to refer to a duller kind of discomfort that may continue for longer than a pain might (headache, stomach ache, backache and heartache,…)

Como verbos.

Pain and ache pueden ser usados como verbos pero es menos común.

i.e: It pains me to think of you being so unhappy with your life – meaning it makes me feel unhappy that you are so sad.
(You can´t use this verb in present continuous.)

i.e: My back is really aching.
I wish my leg would stop hurting, it really aches.

Os dejo un vídeo muy mítico, David after dentist...
¡Qué tengáis un buen día!

domingo, 10 de julio de 2011

Little Britain. Fat fighters

Si pensabais que no se podía ser más desagradable que Carol Beer, os presento a Marjorie Dawes, fat fighters coach. Mean, gross, racist,...

This is acid, black humour,...not recoMMended for delicate sensibilities.
Enjoy it! And have a nice week!

-In Usa 80% of the people are morbidly obese, the other 20% are just plain fat: En USA el 80% es obeso mórbido, el otro 20% son solo gordos.

-Ice cube: cubito de hielo.

-Cut out: reducir, recortar, quitarse algo.

-Burm: bollo (de pan)

-Dry burm: un bollo a palo seco.

-Must be something they eat over there: Debe ser algo que comen por allí.

-If anyone would like to come up to my place afterwards for drinks: Si queréis venir a mi casa después de esto a tomar algo...

(To my place/ To mine´s/ To Rachel´s place/ To Rachel´s: : a mi casa. (No se dice my house, my flat,...)

-It´s for your own good: es por tu propio bien.

-To be aware of something: ser consciente de algo.

-Warm welcome: calida bienvenida.

-Your movies...well, we don´t remember any but I take your word: Tus películas...bueno, no recordamos ninguna pero si tú lo dices, te creo.

-You have had issues with your weight: Has tenido problemas con tu peso.

-Did you find hard to get a man because of the weight?: ¿Te resultaba dificil encontrar un hombre por tu peso?

-Can we just stick to weight: ¿Podemos centrarnos/ ceñirnos al tema del peso?

-Lost cause: causa perdida.
(Esto es lo que yo llamo un "real friend". Haré un artículo sobre esto, que en inglés no todo son false friends!)

-I can´t believe how you treat people! It´s completely rude! You are meant to help this people and you keep ridculing them about their seize! It´s disgusting!: No puedo creer como tratas a la gente. Es totalmente grosero! Se supone que estás aquí para ayudar a esta gente y no haces más que ridiculizarlos por su peso! Es vergonzoso!

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Es un vídeo formativo, lo juro.

-Dismay: consternar (verbo), consternación (nombre).
-Inquiry/ enquiry: preguntar (verbo), pregunta (nombre).
-Play hide (or hide and seek): jugar al esondite.
-Dismissal: rechazo, desestimación, autorización para retirarse.

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

How are you?

Como responder a la pregunta How are you?. 

How are you?

-I´m fine thanks, how are you?

- I´m good (lo más común).

- I´m well. (Implica que antes no estabas bien y ahora sí. Es lo que respondes después de haber estado enfermo por ejemplo). 

i.e: How are you feeling today? I´m well (I wasn´t last week, but I feel well now).

-I´m ok. (Lleva implícito que estás bien ante un peligro/ amenaza).

i.e: Te caes por la calle (por supuesto levantas corriendo antes de que nadie te vea, aunque por lo general suele ser ya tarde). Alguno de los testigos te preguntará. Are you ok?

How do you do?
Cuando te presentan a alguien (formal).

How are you doing? Como estás (Informal)
Os dejo a joey para el tema de la pronunciación. Disfrutadlo.

viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Similar but not the same. Good/ Well.

¿Cual es la diferencia entre good y well?

Ambos son adjetivos, y ambos significan bien.

-Good (adj). Significa bien/bueno.

Good weather, good car, good health,…

-Well (adj). Significa bien, pero no bueno.

-Well done! (No good done)
-Our soon is well: Nuestro hijo está bien, se encuentra bien. (no bueno)
-He is a good (no well) son.

Well se usa tambien para formar adjetivos compuesto (siempre con guión).

Well-being (bienestar) Well-chosen. Well-dressed,…

Y para terminar este artículo y empezar el finde con positivismo, James Brown.