
viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012

What are you up to this weekend?

This is a very light post. But you know, it´s one of those things: too long for "La frase del día", too short for a post, so we had to choose. Happy Friday everyone!


Present simple form. What are you up to?
Informal way of asking "What are you doing?, be it right now or in a more general way.

1 Right now:
- (Your boss) What are you up to?
- (You) I´m just finishing this report.

2. General inquiry
- What are you up to this summer/ tonight? (¿Que vas a hacer/ que planes tienes para este verano/ esta noche?)

Present Perfect form. What have you been up to?
(¿Que has hecho/ a que te has dedicado ultimamente?)

- What have you been up to this summer? (¿Que has hecho este verano?)
- (You bump into a friend that you haven´t seen in a while) So, tell me, how are you?, what have you been up to lately?

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