En inglés es muy fácil alcanzar un nivel básico, ya que sus construcciones gramaticales no son complicadas si las comparas con el español.
Como lo que pretendemos es precisamente dar un paso más, aquí os dejaré cada día una expresión, idiom del inglés de la calle, para que empecéis a pilotar de verdad.
Estas expresiones serán que te hará marcar la diferencia.
"At all". It's used as an intensifier with indefinite pronouns or determiners such as none, any, no one, anybody,...
Significa "para nada, en absoluto".
But even if it had objected to it unanimously, once again that would not have made any difference whatsoever.
Pero aunque lo hubieran rechazado por unanimidad, una vez más, eso no habría cambiado nada en absoluto.
Not my cup of tea.
Not what one finds interesting or agreeable/ not to one's taste..
Como no, el equivalente británico a nuestro “no es plato de mi gusto“, tenía que venir acompañado de una taza de té. Hay pocas expresiones más British que ésta, mostrando tu desagrado por una cosa, animal, idea o persona de una forma políticamente correcta.
- David, would you like to go ice-skating tomorrow evening
with me?
- To be honest, Mary, ice-skating's not really my cup of tea.
Would you like to go to the cinema instead?
To be under the weather
To feel sick, poor health, tired or exhausted/ Somewhat indisposed, slightly ill.
- "Oh please, don't ask me to cook today, I'm a bit under the weather"
Also Intoxicated, drunk/ Suffering from a hangover.
To make (both) ends meet.
To have enough money to pay for your basic expenses/ To earn and spend equal amounts of money.
- My wages were so low that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.
- I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet.
- Through better budgeting, I am learning to make both ends meet.
To get something off your chest.
If you get something off your chest, you speak about or confess to something that has been troubling you in order to feel better after releasing your burden (carga, peso.)
Also, to criticize or make a personal complaint to someone.
- You will feel better if you get it off your chest.
- I have to get this off my chest. I'm tired of your rudeness to me!
Pardon my French/ Excuse my French.
It means "excuse my use of swear words or taboo words."
(Does not refer to real French!)
- Pardon my French, but this is a hell of a day.
- What she needs is a kick in the ass, if you'll excuse my French.
Thanks a bunch!
Expresión que se usa irónicamente cuando no estamos muy contentos con algo (bunch = ramo, no hay traducción literal de la expresión)
-Have you seen my sandwich?
-Ah! I found one on the table so I threw it away. I thought you had finished.
-Thanks a bunch! That was my lunch."
- Not at all.
- Does this hat look strange?
- Far from it. It looks good on you.
- Something that you say in order to tell someone that something is not true/ actually, almost the opposite is true.
- I thought Jeff spoke fluent French. Far from it, all he can say is "bonjour"!
A drop in the ocean.
(Una gota en el mar).
A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant.
-She wears a lot of expensive jewellery. That gold ring must be worth thousands!
-Sure, but she's a multi-millionaire, so that's a drop in the ocean for her.
To get a lot out of it.
Lo usamos para decir que alguien se beneficiará de cierta experiencia, que le sacará mucho provecho.
-I don't want to go camping. It's going to be cold and miserable.
-I went last year and I got a lot out of it. It's really good fun.
To criticize or correct after an outcome is known/ to criticize or evaluate with hindsight (a posteriori, en retrospectiva).
To outguess (predict or anticipate.)
- I have no right to second-guess scientists.
- It is not for me to second-guess their decision.
Pull your socks up!
¡Ponte las pilas!
To make an effort/ to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough.
- He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
To have it coming.
To deserve something (either good or bad)/ to deserve what one receives.
- It's too bad he got fired, but he sure had it coming.
- We worked so hard to make the business succeed that I think we have it coming.
1. To put right a mistake or misunderstanding/ to make sure that an account,...is correct/
- The manager thought Jean was to blame (a quien había que culpar), but she soon set the record straight.
- Jane's mother heard that Tom is a married man, but he set the record straight. He's divorced.
2. To tell the true facts that have not been accurately reported.
- If we are wrong and Brian would like to set the record straight, he should come talk to us.
- I will give a press conference to set the record straight.
To hit/touch a nerve
Piece of cake.
Como la palma de la mano (very real friend).
Know in every detail, understand completely.
She knows me like the back of her hand.
I know this project like the back of my hand.
Either way.
Whatever happens/ whichever is true/ in any case/ de cualquier manera.
- Give me a call either way and let me know if you want to come with us.
- He may or may not have been insured: either way, you can still make a claim.
To run or be ruNNing on fumes.
Literal: To operate a vehicle that is low on fuel.
- We were running on fumes by the time we arrived, but we made it to the next gas station.
Figurado: Continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left/ To operate with few resources or little money.
- The organization had been running on fumes for months, so it's not surprising that they closed their doors.
To play hard to get.
If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested or attracted by someone, usually just to make the other person increase their efforts.
When you give the impression to someone who is attracted to you that you're not interested in order to make them even more attracted to you.
To be/get rusty.
No me importaría, me vendría bien, no diría que no a...
I´m falling asleep.I could use a coffee.
(Me tomaría un café).
I had a hard day at work today. I could definetly use a massage.
- Do you think you are going to finish that for tomorrow. Do you want me to give you a hand?
-Yes, please. I could definetly use some help.
To chicken out.
To be too afraid to do something/ To fail to do something through fear or lack of conviction/ To decide at the last moment not to do something you said you would do, because you are afraid
He said he was joining us for bungee jumping but he finally chickened out.
On one condition.
Con una condición.
Ok, you can go to the party but on one condition. You have to take your sister with you.
Speak your mind!
¡Dí lo que piensa!Sé sincero, habla con franqueza.
Stop pretending! Just say what you are thinking. Speak your mind!
Esa es la cuestión, de eso se trata.
Es la principal razón, el sentido último de algo.
-Are you improving your English with that course you are doing in Manchester, then?
-I hope so, because that´s the whole point!
Give it a go!
¡Dale una oportunidad!
We use it to encourage someone to do something, to encourage him/her to make an attempt at something, usually for the first time.
- The guys are going bungee-jumping this Saturday. I´m thinking wether if I should join them
- Yes, sure! Just give it a go! It should be fun!
As a treat.
Para decir que alguien hace algo especial, con motivo de un ascenso, un cumpleaños,...como algo excepcional, para drase el gusto.
-I like your bag. Is it new?
-Yes. I bought it last week, as a treat.
I´ve heard you´ve been promoted! (He oído que te han ascendido!)
- Yes, they have, I bought myself a car as a treat.
In the beginning/ to begin with/ originally.
Para empezar/ desde el principio.
- We should never have agreed to do this in the first place.
- Why didn't you tell me in the first place?
Any chance...?
¿Hay alguna posibilidad de...?/ ¿Alguna posibilidad de que...?
Para preguntar si algo es posible, especialmente si queremos pedir un favor.
- I'm thirsty. Any chance of a soft drink on the house (a cargo de la casa)?
- Sure, help yourself."
I see.
- Ya veo, entiendo.
- I get it, I understand.
- According to urbandictionary:
A conversational response which indicates a level of understanding without necessarily indicating agreement with the statement. It essentially means "I acknowledge and understand what you are saying"/ A good responce when you have nothing better to say.
- But I can´t do this to her, she´s my best friend!
- Oh, I see.
You see?
- ¿Entiendes?, ¿me sigues?
- I can´t go with you now, I have to finish this before noon, you see?
I told you so.
Te lo dije.
- I hate to say it, but I told you so!
It's/That's not on.
Para decir que algo no es aceptable.
- Don´t talk to your mother like that! That is not on!
Como lo que pretendemos es precisamente dar un paso más, aquí os dejaré cada día una expresión, idiom del inglés de la calle, para que empecéis a pilotar de verdad.
Estas expresiones serán que te hará marcar la diferencia.
"At all". It's used as an intensifier with indefinite pronouns or determiners such as none, any, no one, anybody,...
Significa "para nada, en absoluto".
But even if it had objected to it unanimously, once again that would not have made any difference whatsoever.
Pero aunque lo hubieran rechazado por unanimidad, una vez más, eso no habría cambiado nada en absoluto.
Not my cup of tea.
Not what one finds interesting or agreeable/ not to one's taste..
Como no, el equivalente británico a nuestro “no es plato de mi gusto“, tenía que venir acompañado de una taza de té. Hay pocas expresiones más British que ésta, mostrando tu desagrado por una cosa, animal, idea o persona de una forma políticamente correcta.
- David, would you like to go ice-skating tomorrow evening
with me?
- To be honest, Mary, ice-skating's not really my cup of tea.
Would you like to go to the cinema instead?
To be under the weather
To feel sick, poor health, tired or exhausted/ Somewhat indisposed, slightly ill.
- "Oh please, don't ask me to cook today, I'm a bit under the weather"
Also Intoxicated, drunk/ Suffering from a hangover.
To make (both) ends meet.
To have enough money to pay for your basic expenses/ To earn and spend equal amounts of money.
- My wages were so low that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.
- I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet.
- Through better budgeting, I am learning to make both ends meet.
To get something off your chest.
If you get something off your chest, you speak about or confess to something that has been troubling you in order to feel better after releasing your burden (carga, peso.)
Also, to criticize or make a personal complaint to someone.
- You will feel better if you get it off your chest.
- I have to get this off my chest. I'm tired of your rudeness to me!
Pardon my French/ Excuse my French.
It means "excuse my use of swear words or taboo words."
(Does not refer to real French!)
- Pardon my French, but this is a hell of a day.
- What she needs is a kick in the ass, if you'll excuse my French.
Thanks a bunch!
Expresión que se usa irónicamente cuando no estamos muy contentos con algo (bunch = ramo, no hay traducción literal de la expresión)
-Have you seen my sandwich?
-Ah! I found one on the table so I threw it away. I thought you had finished.
-Thanks a bunch! That was my lunch."
To cut back on something
Rebajar el consumo/ consumir menos de algo.
My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.
Far from it.
Rebajar el consumo/ consumir menos de algo.
My doctor wants me to cut back on sweets and fatty foods.
Far from it.
- Does this hat look strange?
- Far from it. It looks good on you.
- Something that you say in order to tell someone that something is not true/ actually, almost the opposite is true.
- I thought Jeff spoke fluent French. Far from it, all he can say is "bonjour"!
In no time.
Very quickly.
Para decir que algo ocurrirá muy rápidamente.
- I'll be there in no time. I promise, it won't take long.
-I don't understand anything in our Italian lessons.
-Don't worry, you'll be speaking Italian in no time. You just need to get used to the accent.
A drop in the ocean.
(Una gota en el mar).
A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant.
-She wears a lot of expensive jewellery. That gold ring must be worth thousands!
-Sure, but she's a multi-millionaire, so that's a drop in the ocean for her.
To get a lot out of it.
Lo usamos para decir que alguien se beneficiará de cierta experiencia, que le sacará mucho provecho.
-I don't want to go camping. It's going to be cold and miserable.
-I went last year and I got a lot out of it. It's really good fun.
To second-guess.
To criticize or correct after an outcome is known/ to criticize or evaluate with hindsight (a posteriori, en retrospectiva).
To outguess (predict or anticipate.)
- I have no right to second-guess scientists.
- It is not for me to second-guess their decision.
Pull your socks up!
¡Ponte las pilas!
To make an effort/ to improve your work or behaviour because it is not good enough.
- He's going to have to pull his socks up if he wants to stay in the team.
To stand/hold one's ground.
To stand up for one's rights/ to resist an attack/ to refuse to be pushed backwards, or to continue in your beliefs in an argument.
- The lawyer tried to confuse me when I was giving testimony, but I managed to stand my ground.
- Some people were trying to crowd us out of the line for tickets, but we held our ground.
Make (both) ends meet.
- To have just enough money to pay for the things that you need
My wages were so low that I had to take a second job just to make ends meet.
- To earn and spend equal amounts of money. (Usually in reference to a meager living with little if any money after basic expenses.)
- I have to work at two jobs to make ends meet. Through better budgeting, I am learning to make both ends meet.
To ring a bell.
(Does that ring any bells?)
If a phrase or a word, and especially a name, rings a bell, you think you have heard it before.
-Does the name 'Fitzpatrick' ring a bell?
-No, I'm sorry, that description doesn't ring any bell with me.
To cause someone to remember something or for it to seem familiar.
-Whenever I see a bee, it rings a bell. I remember when I was stung by one.
To have it coming.
To deserve something (either good or bad)/ to deserve what one receives.
- It's too bad he got fired, but he sure had it coming.
- We worked so hard to make the business succeed that I think we have it coming.
To set the record straight.
Aclarar las cosas.
- The manager thought Jean was to blame (a quien había que culpar), but she soon set the record straight.
- Jane's mother heard that Tom is a married man, but he set the record straight. He's divorced.
2. To tell the true facts that have not been accurately reported.
- If we are wrong and Brian would like to set the record straight, he should come talk to us.
- I will give a press conference to set the record straight.
By all means.
Without fail, certainly, no matter what measure is taken.
- You must bring him here by all means.
- This project must be realised by all means.
- You should by all means warn him before he leaves for Macau.
To have a soft spot for someone .
A fondness or affection for someone/ To feel a lot of affection for someone or something, often without knowing why.
Sentir afecto/debilidad por alguien
i.e: She's a bad friend sometimes but I have a soft spot for her.
To give someone the third degree.
To interrogate someone.
Someter a alguien al tercer grado/ Acribillarle a preguntas.
- When I met her parents they gave me the third degree.
Thinking the world of someone means to really like or respect that person.
I think greatly of you/ I think highly of you.
Admirar/ respetar mucho a alguien.
Not to mention.
Let alone/ Much less/ In addition to/ Besides what's already been said.
To add emphasis to what you are saying
Para añadir algo a una lista, que es incluso más importante que el resto de cosas.
She can't boil potatoes, not to mention cooking a meal.
To walk into (the) lion's den.
To go into a situation that puts you in great danger or in a vulnerable position.
Meterse en la boca del lobo.
After the failure of the negotiations, he had to walk into the lion's den and face the Press.
To interrogate someone.
Someter a alguien al tercer grado/ Acribillarle a preguntas.
- When I met her parents they gave me the third degree.
To stick up for.
To support or defend someone or something. Stand up for somebody/something.
Dar la cara por/ defender
- When the bullies came around, he stuck up for his little sister.
- Her friends stuck up for her when other people said she was guilty.
I think the world of you.
I think greatly of you/ I think highly of you.
Admirar/ respetar mucho a alguien.
Not to mention.
Let alone/ Much less/ In addition to/ Besides what's already been said.
To add emphasis to what you are saying
Para añadir algo a una lista, que es incluso más importante que el resto de cosas.
She can't boil potatoes, not to mention cooking a meal.
(The) story of my life.
Said when something bad happens to you that has happened to you many times before.
Me pasa siempre.
- My boss caught me making a paper clip necklace on my first day of work and I got fired. Story of my life.
- Sally: I tripped up the stairs today and everyone laughed
-Billy: Story of my life
You can talk!
To express that the person talking can´t complain or criticize that person or thing as he also does it.
-Oh, man, he is always late.
-Well, you can talk!
To walk into (the) lion's den.
To go into a situation that puts you in great danger or in a vulnerable position.
Meterse en la boca del lobo.
After the failure of the negotiations, he had to walk into the lion's den and face the Press.
To paint the town red.
To go out and have a really good a time, often drinking a lot of alcohol and dancing/ To go wild.
Salir de marcha, darlo todo.
- Jack finished his exams today so he's gone out to paint the town red.
- When I was single I used to paint the town red every weekend.
To hit/touch a nerve
- To upset someone by talking about a particular subject.
- If something hits a nerve, it upsets someone or causes them pain, often when it is something they are trying to hide or pretend they don´t care.
Tocar la fibra.
I think I hit a nerve with my comments about divorce. She suddenly looked distressed and I knew I'd touched a raw nerve.
No ifs, and/or buts (about it)
Without excuses or doubts/ absolutely no discussion, dissension, or doubt about something.
- If they catch you stealing, you're fired on the spot – no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
- I want you there exactly at eight, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
- This is the best television set available for the money, no buts about it.
Something that you say to a child to stop them arguing with you when you want them to do something
- I want no ifs and buts, just tidy your room like I told you to!
Piece of cake.
A straightforward task that can easily be accomplished/ Something very easy to do.
- How was the exam?
- I nailed it! It was a piece of cake.
To know something/somewhere like the back of one's hand
Know in every detail, understand completely.
She knows me like the back of her hand.
I know this project like the back of my hand.
Completely filled, full /Crowded to capacity, overloaded.
Abarrotado, lleno de gente, hasta los topes.
- I was in the city centre this morning, it was packed!
In an eyeblink.
En un abrir y cerrar de ojos.
In an extremely short period of time; an instant.
Either way.
Whatever happens/ whichever is true/ in any case/ de cualquier manera.
- Give me a call either way and let me know if you want to come with us.
- He may or may not have been insured: either way, you can still make a claim.
To run or be ruNNing on fumes.
Literal: To operate a vehicle that is low on fuel.
- We were running on fumes by the time we arrived, but we made it to the next gas station.
Figurado: Continuing to do something when you have almost no energy left/ To operate with few resources or little money.
- The organization had been running on fumes for months, so it's not surprising that they closed their doors.
To play hard to get.
If someone plays hard to get, they pretend not to be interested or attracted by someone, usually just to make the other person increase their efforts.
When you give the impression to someone who is attracted to you that you're not interested in order to make them even more attracted to you.
To be/get rusty.
When you haven´t done something in such a long time that you are not as good as you use to be.
Weakened or impaired by neglect, disuse, or lack of practice.
Estar oxidado (literal y figurado).
- To be honest with you, my German is a bit rusty.
I could use...
No me importaría, me vendría bien, no diría que no a...
I´m falling asleep.I could use a coffee.
(Me tomaría un café).
I had a hard day at work today. I could definetly use a massage.
- Do you think you are going to finish that for tomorrow. Do you want me to give you a hand?
-Yes, please. I could definetly use some help.
To chicken out.
To be too afraid to do something/ To fail to do something through fear or lack of conviction/ To decide at the last moment not to do something you said you would do, because you are afraid
He said he was joining us for bungee jumping but he finally chickened out.
On one condition.
Con una condición.
Ok, you can go to the party but on one condition. You have to take your sister with you.
Speak your mind!
Stop pretending! Just say what you are thinking. Speak your mind!
The whole point.
Es la principal razón, el sentido último de algo.
-Are you improving your English with that course you are doing in Manchester, then?
-I hope so, because that´s the whole point!
Give it a go!
¡Dale una oportunidad!
We use it to encourage someone to do something, to encourage him/her to make an attempt at something, usually for the first time.
- The guys are going bungee-jumping this Saturday. I´m thinking wether if I should join them
- Yes, sure! Just give it a go! It should be fun!
As a treat.
Para decir que alguien hace algo especial, con motivo de un ascenso, un cumpleaños,...como algo excepcional, para drase el gusto.
-I like your bag. Is it new?
-Yes. I bought it last week, as a treat.
I´ve heard you´ve been promoted! (He oído que te han ascendido!)
- Yes, they have, I bought myself a car as a treat.
In the first place
In the beginning/ to begin with/ originally.
Para empezar/ desde el principio.
- We should never have agreed to do this in the first place.
- Why didn't you tell me in the first place?
Any chance...?
¿Hay alguna posibilidad de...?/ ¿Alguna posibilidad de que...?
Para preguntar si algo es posible, especialmente si queremos pedir un favor.
- I'm thirsty. Any chance of a soft drink on the house (a cargo de la casa)?
- Sure, help yourself."
I see.
- Ya veo, entiendo.
- I get it, I understand.
- According to urbandictionary:
A conversational response which indicates a level of understanding without necessarily indicating agreement with the statement. It essentially means "I acknowledge and understand what you are saying"/ A good responce when you have nothing better to say.
- But I can´t do this to her, she´s my best friend!
- Oh, I see.
You see?
- ¿Entiendes?, ¿me sigues?
- I can´t go with you now, I have to finish this before noon, you see?
I told you so.
Te lo dije.
- I hate to say it, but I told you so!
It's/That's not on.
Para decir que algo no es aceptable.
- Don´t talk to your mother like that! That is not on!
From now on.
A partir de/desde ahora.
- From now on, no one can use the Internet for personal purposes at work.
Can you manage?
Es una forma de preocuparse/ ofrecer ayuda a alguien. Por ejemplo a alguien que va muy cargado, lleva muchas bolsas, no consigue abrir algo,...
"Manage" en el sentido de: "to succeed in being able (to do something) despite obstacles"/ be successful/ achieve a goal.
i.e: I managed to carry the box upstairs.
To have a crush on someone.
- If someone has a crush on someone, it means he/she have a strong, but not very long-lasting romantic feelings towards someone.
- The act of falling hard for someone even though it isn't love yet
- To be obsessed or physically attracted to someone.
- I have to admitted, I had had a crush on that guy for years.
Now, you are talking!
Finally! You have finally had a good idea!
Eso es, así se habla, bien dicho.
- Should we go out tonight then?
- Now you are talking!
So far, so good.
All is going well so far/ at this stage of the process it is satisfactory
- So, how is your new job?
- So far, so good.
I can´t take it!
I can't understand it, I can't believe it, I can't accept it.
Why she is still with that guy! I can´t take it!
I can´t take it anymore!
I can´t do/bare (soportar) this anymore., it's too much too handle.
i.e: I left my job, I just couldn´t take it anymore.
Easy come, easy go.
Lo que el agua trae, el agua lleva...
John spends his money as fast as he earn it. With John it's easy come, easy go.
I couldn't care less.
To emphasises the lack of care for something or someone.
It literally means: it would be impossible for me to care less than I do because I do not care at all!
No podría importarme menos.
I try to make him understand but he couldn´t care less.
Same here!
- Are we going to the concert,then? Great! I love Adele!
- Yeah, same here!
To have a lot on your plate.
i.e: My brother is attending university, has a full-time job, and volunteers at a school. He really has a lot on his plate.
i.e: I don't want to bother my daughter with my problems; she's got enough on her plate
i.e: Simon can't take on any more work. He's got his plate full as it is.
To get hooked.
Compulsively or physiologically dependent on something/someone.
- He´s not going out tonight, he has got completely hooked on that video game he is playing.
Within reason.
Within the bounds of good sense or practicality.
(Dentro de lo razonable).
You can borrow as much as you like within reason.
To prove someone wrong.
Demostrar(le) a alguien que está equivocado.
i.e: Prove me wrong! Demuéstrame que me equivoco.
Bear with me.
Put up with me (aguanta, soporta conmigo).
Espera conmigo, por favor,ten paciencia.
- I´m going to check if we have your size. Please bear with me.
(waiter)- I´ll be with you in a minute. Please, bear with me.
That's a first!
i.e: - Jhon took me for dinner on Saturday and he actually offered to pay the bill.
-That's a first! He doesn't normally do that.
To be in two minds.
"To be unable to decide about something or wether to do something or not."
(Tener dudas, vacilar sobre algo, sentirse indeciso, dividido).
-I was in two minds whether or not to go to the party last night, but I did and it was great fun!
- Allow me to point out two things for those who are in two minds about this issue.
To crash at someone´s place.
i.e: Dude I can´t be bothered to go home now. Is it okay if I crash here?"
2 to find temporary lodging (alojamiento) or shelter (refugio) for the night.
I.e: If you don't have anyplace to stay, you can crash at my place for the night.
Around the corner.
-Literal: It´s a space reference (a la vuelta de la esquina.)
Do you mind going to the shop and buy me some cigarrettes? Please? It´s just around the corner...
-It also has a metaphorical meaning: means proximity in time
Summer is just around the corner!
A big plus.
-Literal: It´s a space reference (a la vuelta de la esquina.)
Do you mind going to the shop and buy me some cigarrettes? Please? It´s just around the corner...
-It also has a metaphorical meaning: means proximity in time
Summer is just around the corner!
A big plus.
- I´m going to do an English course next month, in Los Angeles.
- Great! Are you excited?
- Yes, I´m really happy about the course and well, the destiny is a big plus!
Make it...two! (for example).
(In a restaurant).
- (you to your friend)What are you having?
- (your friend) I´ll have a coke please.
- (you to the waiter)Make it two!
I get it.
Para indicar que hemos entendido algo.
- You have to sign this paper first, otherwise you will have to join the queue again.
- Ok, I get it.
“He/She/It is the business”,
We use it to say something/somebody is REALLY good.
- Do you like this T-shirt?
- Yeah man, that´s the business!
-Simon is a pretty good chef, isn't he?
- Totally, he's the business.
After all.
i.e: We took the train after all.
- Emphasizes something to be considered.
i.e: after all, she is your boss, so invite her.
That will do!
Sí, eso valdrá.
- I'm not going to cook, bread and cheese will do for them! (No pienso cocinar, se tendrán que conformar con pan y queso)
- One bottle will do! (Con una botella valdrá).
- One egg will do for me. (Un huevo es suficiente para mí)
- Two shirts will do me. (Con dos camisas me alcanza,tengo suficiente).
New Year´s Resolutions.
Propósitos de fin de año.
I´ll bet you all have yours ready for today! Just keep it for the rest of the year, right?!
Happy 2012!
Doll up.
To dress elegantly or extravagantly.
i.e: Oh, wow you got all doll up for the big night!
I wish!
¡Ya me gustaría!
- So you finished your University already?
-No, not yet! I wish! I still have a few exams left to do.
To be/get/go back on (the) track.
(reactivar,restablecer,volver al cauce, volver a la normalidad, regenerarse, rehabilitarse, reorientarse, ponerse al día,...)
i.e: I hope we can have this project back on track by the end of the week.
Truth be told.
It basically means real talk, to be honest or for real.
i.e: Truth be told, she is not very smart.
Can´t be bothered.
When you really aren't in the mood to do something, generally because you are tired, feeling lazy or it's not important.
I´m so tired, I can´t be bothered to do anything today...( I don´t feel like doing anything.)
When you really aren't in the mood to do something, generally because you are tired, feeling lazy or it's not important.
I´m so tired, I can´t be bothered to do anything today...( I don´t feel like doing anything.)
Deep down.
Although he would never admit it, deep down he was very fond of her (To be very fond of someone: tenerle mucho cariño a alguien).
To go with the flow.
To 'go with the flow' means to not have a particularly strong opinion on something, and thus follow the majority.
- To not push against prevailing behavior/norms/attitudes/ to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do.
- To not attempt to exert a large amount of influence on the course of events, whether a specific series of events or events in general.
- or when you just dont know what is going on and just lay back to see what is going to happen...
In large organizations, there's always a tendency to go with the flow.
My bad.
My fault, sorry, I´m the one to blame. (Mea culpa).
It´s meant to be an apology but it´s more informal and rude. According to urbandictionary is "a way of admitting a mistake and apologizing for that mistake, without really apologizing, beacuse you really don´t care.
So, carefull when you use this, especially in England. You better stick to the more formal ones, such as "I´m sorry", "I apologize for that", I DO apologize,...
Show off.
As a verb: to behave arrogantly, boastfully, in an ostentatiously and assured way with the intention of impressing others (Fanfarronear, jactarse).
i.e: He is just showing off to impress her.
As a noun: fanfarrón.
i.e: He´s such a show-off!
Out of the blue.
It means: That something came from an unexpected or unforeseen source or at a completely unexpected time.
- I heard you had an accident!.
- Yes! A few weeks ago, but it wasn´t my fault. That car just came out of the blue.
Out of hand.
Two meanings:
1. Get out of hand: get out of control. (Irse algo de las manos).
i.e: This situation has gotten out of hand.
2. Out of hand: without any more thought.
i.e: He rejected the plan out of hand, with no hesitation.
All along.
From the begiNNing, all the time or all over a period of time.
i.e: She pretended she didn´t know anything about it but after a while we discovered she had known about his illegal businesses all along.
To get to know someone.
Se refiere al proceso de conocer o llegar a conocer a alguien, a través de conversaciones o experiencias compartidas.
ie: I know what you mean, at the begiNNing nobody likes her, but once you get to know her, you realise she is not that bad.
To look at someone in the eye. (yes, just one!)
Mirar a alguien a los ojos (fijamente o en un acto de sinceridad).
i.e: He did it? He looked at me in the eye and deny the whole thing! How could he do that?
I nailed it!
¡Lo he bordado!
To complete a task successfully or get something right.
-How was your exam?
-I did it on Monday, I nailed it
For good
Permanently, forever.
i.e: I made up my mind, I´m moving back to Spain for good.
To have a go at someone.
Significa tener un pronto, darle caña o "cantarle las cuarenta a alguien" (informal).
It can involve:
-to verbally attack someone.
-to insult or call someone names.
-to just criticize someone.
-I feel so bad, I had a go at Helen this morning, she didn´t deserve it.
To have a go at something.
To try, to attempt to do something (informal.)
-I´ll have a go at fixing it, but if that doesn't work please buy a new one.
-Have a go! / Give it a try! (Inténtalo!)
For the record.
If something has been said just "for the record", it means that what has just been said, it has been said just so the recipient (receptor) knows, but he hasn´t necessarily has to agree with or support it.
i.e: And just for the record I never said I was going to do it.
I don´t buy it!
It means: I don´t believe what you are saying, you don´t convince me. I don´t buy what you are trying to sell me.
i.e: He told me they were just friends but I didn´t buy it.
(Me dijo que solo eran amigos pero no me lo creí).
How come?
How come can be used:
1. as an introduction to a question.
How come you never met her parents before?
(¿Como es que nunca antes has conocido a sus padre?)
2. and it can also be used as a question itself meaning why.
- Are you still working at the restaurant?
- No, I quit.
- How come? ( ¿Y eso?)
Paid off.
When we say that something is been paid off, it means:
- that it has been finally rewarded.
- that it has been finally proved worth it.
i.e: All this hard work will be paid off at the end of the year as I´ll be spending Christmas in Santo Domingo.
What´s the point?
¿Con qué fin?, ¿para qué?, ¿a qué viene eso?.
i.e: I heard you are going to talk to her about the incident of last week. Why? What´s the point?
Get a life!!
¡Cómprate una vida!
It´s what you say to someone that has a strange habit or hobbie, something that "normal" people don´t do (whatever "normal people" means...). Things like collecting stamps, origami (papiroflexia),...
It has a contemptuous tone (tono despectivo), so be careful using it.
i.e: You can´t go out because you are working early on Sunday?? Get a life man!
To get the wrong end of the stick.
To not understand a situation correctly/ to misunderstand a situation.
i.e: He heard me talking with Sam about a guy and he totally got the wrong end of the stick. He thinks I fancy him now, but I was actually talking to Sam about James.
To spill the beans.
The act of telling someone private information, to reveal a secret or to tell somebody the truth about something.
- Well I shouldn´t tell you this but I heard Jackie and Tom talking in the hall yesterday and...
- Come on! Spill the beans!
It makes sense!
1 That something is coherent or intelligible.
-She doesn´t want to go because she thinks she won´t fit in
-Well, it makes sense, it´s a really posh party,
(Ella no quiere ir porque piensa que no encajará.
-Bueno, tiene sentido, es una fiesta muy pija.)
2 That something is practical or advisable.
-He wants to have a proper breakfast before the trip.
-Well, it makes sense, it´s going to be a long walk.
Los ingleses lo usan mucho cuando te están explicando algo, para corroborar que los entiendes o que estás de acuerdo con ellos.
bla bla bla bla, does it make sense to you?
The elephant in the room.
An obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. An obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss. A problem that everyone knows very well but no one talks about because it is taboo, embarrassing,...
i.e: When I have dinner with my parents, the elephant in the room is the fact that I’m 45 years old and still single.
Out of sight, out of mind.
something that you say which means if you do not hear about or see someone or something for a period of time, you stop thinking about them
i.e: You'll soon forget about him after he leaves - out of sight, out of mind.
Fair enough!
something that you say in order to show that you understand why someone has said or done something.
-I don't feel like going out tonight, I've got a bit of a headache.
-Fair enough.
También se usa como sinónimo de "alright"
i.e: The town is full of tourists, which is fair enough because they spend a lot of money here.
Under your belt!
To have something under your belt, means that you have already achieved or experienced it and it will probably be of benefit to you in the future.
She haven´t found a job already, even though she has plenty of experience under her belt.
That make two of us.
Ya somos dos!
-I´m fed up with this guy (estoy harta de este tio).
-That make two of us!
Chill in.
"Relaxing, doing nothing special."
Significa quedarse en casa, en plan tranquilo, viendo una peli, jugando a la Wii, o "lo que sea", you know what I mean.
(It´s the oPPosite of going out or be "out and about".)
-Are you doing something special tonight?
-No, I´m tired. I guess I´ll just chill in.
Not my cup of tea
Something "is not your cup of tea" when you don't like it, or don´t like it very much.
i.e: -We are going to the cinema later on to watch (not see!) a horror movie, would you like to join us?
-I think I´m going to pass. Horror movies are not exactly my cup of tea.
Help yourself!
Sírvete tu mismo.
-Can I have some sugar please?
-Yes, it´s over there. You can help yourself.
Up to you.
Up to you means: you decide, it´s your choice/ your call.
-I think I should call him.
-I don´t think it´s a good idea but...up to you.
You´ve made my day!
¡Me has alegrado el día!
To be used whenever someone do or say something kind, thoughtful and unexpected.
-I heard the exam has been changed for next week.
-Really? You´ve just made my day!
Out and about
Andar por ahí, de picos pardos,...dar una vuelta.
Cuando estás en la calle pero sin ningún destino fijo, solo dando una vuelta, estando por ahí.
i.e: Where did you go yesterday? To Rachael´s? No, we didn´t go anywhere in particular, we were just out and about.
(¿Donde fuistéis ayer? ¿ A casa de Rachel? No, no fuimos a ningún sitio en concreto, estuvimos por ahí.)
To have something (a name/word) on the tip of your tongue.
Tenerlo en la punta de la lengua...algunas expresiones, como estas son muy parecidas.
Every other day.
Día sí, día no.
i.e: She is going to the gym every other day.
Day in, day out.
Día sí, día también.
You use this expreSSion to describe an action that it´s done every day over a long period, often causing it to become boring.
i.e: Life can become very tedious if you do the same work day in, day out.
The sooner, the better.
Cuanto antes, mejor.
Esta es una construcción, puede usarse con muchos otros adverbios, dependiendo de lo que quieras decir.
The faster, the better.
The cheapest, the better.
At the end of the day.
Al fin y al cabo.
Muy usada, muy gráfica y algo pedante según algunos.
I tried to convince her not to do it, but at the end of the day it´s her life.
What goes around, comes around.
This phrase means that what you do will affect you someday.
When you do something good, good stuff happens to you and when you do something bad, bad things happen to you. You usually use this phrase when somebody does bad to you. You tell them the phrase so that they'll realize what they've done.
Cría cuervos...
To take one day at a time.
-Usually used when somebody gets overwhelmed (sobrepasado, agobiado) for the events happening in their life or at work.
-It´s a recoMMendation to deal with things as they happen, and not to make plans or to worry about the future.
-It´s a recoMMendation to deal with things as they happen, and not to make plans or to worry about the future.