Ambas significan "entre", pero existen diferencias entre ellas. Lo que hasta ahora nos habían enseñado era a usar una u otra en función del número de opciones o sujetos involucrados.
Between, para referirnos a algo que está situado entre dos cosas. Among para referirnos a algo situado entre mas de dos sujetos.
Esto es cierto pero si queréis ir más alla (go the extra mile), seguid leyendo.

You use “between” when:
-you are talking about distinct, individual items, even if there are more than two of them.
For example, you can say, "She chose between Harvard, Brown, and Yale" (because the colleges are individual items.)
-talking about relationships, be it [ya sea] one to one relationships (Let's keep this between you and me.) or between more than two items, groups, or people as in these sentences:
i.e: The negotiations between the cheerleaders, the dance squad, and the flag team were going well despite the confetti incident.
i.e: The differences between English, Chinese, and Arabic are significant.

You use “among” when:
-you are talking about things that aren't distinct items or individuals.
-if you are talking about a group of people, you also use “among”.
i.e: Fear spread among the hostages.
i.e: The scandal caused a division among the fans.
i.e: Brian and Rob are among the residents featured in the newsletter.
-“among” can also indicate that someone is part of a group or has been left out of a group, as in these examples:
i.e: He was glad to find a friend among enemies.
i.e: She felt like a stranger among friends.
i.e: Ben was later found living among the natives.
For location.
“Between” and “among” can also tell the reader different things about location or direction. Think about the difference between these two sentences:
Ben walked between the trees.
Ben walked among the trees.
“Ben walked between the trees” gives you the idea that he stayed on the path; he either walked between two trees or was on a route that was surrounded by trees.
While "Ben walked among the trees” gives you the idea that he wandered around a park or forest. He may have had an endpoint in mind, but it doesn't sound as if he went from point A to point B on a defined path.
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