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¿Quieres mejorara tu inglés antes de tu próximo gran paso?,
¿Te has dado cuenta de lo que saber inglés te puede aportar tanto a nivel profesional como personal, pero no tienes tiempo o la determinación necesaria para hacerlo? ¿te apetece hacerlo de una forma divertida y rápida? ¡Este es tu blog!
La idea es aprender inglés a través de series, películas, vídeos, charlas, canciones y pequeños documentos teóricos que a mí me han ayudado a aclarar dudas comunes. Sin más, espero que os sea de ayude y disfrutéis. Un saludo!

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miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

Why going abroad?

This is a video where English Language Assistants share their experiences of living abroad. I´ve founded it useful as they talk about the advantages of living abroad and they show us some words and expressions worth knowing.

Where is the best place to do a language assistanship?
- Somewhere beyond (más allá), completely out of your comfort zone: 
- Obviously I´m slightly biased: obviamente mi opinión está ligeramente sesgada.
- Trick question: a question which is difficult to answer, because there is a hidden difficulty or because the answer that seems obvious is not the correct one.

What´s the reason of your recommendation?

How would you describe your experience?
- Challenging: que representa un reto.
- Thrilling: emocionante (a thriller!).
- Gratifiying: gratificante.
- Nerve-racking: a situation or experience makes you feel very tense and worried.  
- Enlightening: esclarecedor, instructivo.
- A life-changing experience.

What personal and professional skills did you gain?
- I was hugely lacking of confidence: tenía una carencia enorme de confianza.
- to encourage students: motivar a los estudiantes.

When we see students come back from the end of it, they really are different people: brighter, ,more engage, more culturally aware, more confident.

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