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jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

The aNNoying orange.

As you all know oranges can be REALLY aNNoying... =)
I hope you all enjoy this video and have a nice "Three wise men" festivity.
We´ll be back on Monday with more!

- Why the long face?
(¿Y esa cara tan larga?)

- Do you know what else rhymes with hair? Nerd (pardillo),
And it looks like you are very familiar wih it baldy (calvito).

- I´m not an apple. I´m not even related!
(No soy una manzana, ¡no tengo nada que ver!)

- Look who´s the boss now!
(¡Mira quien manda ahora!)

- Pineapple? It looks more like a pain apple.
As the pineapple is being sliced, the orange does this word game between "pine" and "pain".
Also when somebody is aNNoying you say "he is a pain in the ass" or "he´s a pain". So he´s making that word game too, implying that more than a pineapple, he´s a pain (in the ass)-apple.

-Someone help me!
 (¡Qué alguien me ayude!)

- Hey apple, I don´t mean to stare (no pretendo quedarme mirando/ mirar fijamente) but you´re looking worst, for where?

(This is what the orange literally says but what it really wants is to make a word game between stare and stereo (escuchar en estereo). What he is actually saying is I don´t mean to listen on stereo and by the way, how do you hear now that you´ve been cut off and have no ears...)

-Leave me out of this!
(¡A mí dejame tranquila, no me metas.)

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